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The Book of Endowment (Kitab al-Waqf)

Al-Imam Shams al-Din Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Khatib al-Shirbani
A comprehensive summary of the rulings of waqf in the Islamic Revealed Law. It includes the chapter on waqf from the book Mughni al-Muhtaj in Shafi’i jurisprudence, some researchs that reflect how important waqf is in the Revealed Law, and most importantly the fatawa on waqf, to facilitate for the reader the study of its practical and applied aspects.

Al-Ghazali: The Book of Prophetic Ethics and the Courtesies of Living

In the Book of Prophetic Ethics and the Courtesies of Living (Kitab Adab al ma’isha wa-akhlaq al-nubuwwa), al-Ghazali gives a full account of the customs and character of the Messenger of God, Muhammad. It is not a biography of Muhammad SAW but a roadmap for those who want to strengthen their faith, knowledge and understanding of the first pillar of Islam.

The Book of The Proprieties of Earning and Living (Kitab Adab al-Kasb wa-al-Ma’ash)

This book is the first complete translation into English of Imam al-Ghazali’s important Kitab Adab al-Kasb wa al-Ma’ash (here translated as The Book of Proprieties of Earning and Living), which constitutes Book Three of the Quarter on the Norms of Daily Life from his celebrated magnum opus Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din (The Revivification of the Science of Religion).

The Book of Earning a Livelihood (Kitab al-Kasb)

Muhammad ibn Hasan al-Shayban
This book is the first complete translation into English of Imam Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Shaybani's Kitab al-kasb (The Book of Earning a Livelihood), and important, authoritative early ethico-juristic treatise in classical Islamic economic thought.

The Virtue of Working For A Living: The Legal Rules of Earning The Ethics of Livelihood (Fadl al-Kitab wa-Ahkam al-Kasb wa-Adab al-Ma'ishah)

Imam 'Ala al-Din 'Ali Ibn al-Lubudi
A significant late Mamluk ethico-juristic treatise (circa 900/1500) in classical Islamic economic thought, providing valuable insights into the underlying axiological vision of commercial transactions in Islam. The translators have also introduced and lightly annotated the text, and pointed out the deep relevance of this work for our current rethinking and redefining of the science of economics in terms of its ends rather than its means.

The Restoration of Wealth (Islah al-Mal)

Ibn Abi ’l-Dunyā
What is the definition of wealth? How is it defined the way it has been defined by the fuqaha' and 'ulama', and why? How do we actually go about implementing the principle of wealth preservation in all our social and commercial activities and transactions? What is the whole purpose of this preservation anyway? Find answers to these and many other related questions in this translation of the hadiths and reports on he Prophet (s.a.w.) and his Companions, the Followers and the Pious Predecessors have approached the twin questions of wealth and poverty.