Institute for Regenerative Livelihoods - Workshop Retreat Delivery Photo
About institute for regenerative livelihoods

Our Story

Before the birth and formal establishment of the Institute for Regenerative Livelihoods (IRL), we introduced a 12-module, 60-hour course called the Islamic Gift Economy: Program for Ethical, Appropriate & Regenerative Livelihoods (IGE-PEARL). At the core of our program is the Islamic Gift Economy (IGE), an economic system based on the principles of mutual giving and receiving through fair social and commercial exchange, leading to the ethical sharing of natural and cultural abundance.
The IGE offers a holistic approach to earning a livelihood and community building that integrates material and spiritual wellbeing, bringing direction, meaning and purpose into our everyday interactions and transactions.
The IGE was conceived by Dr. Adi Setia in 2010 as a conceptual framework for reviving the ethics (adab), objectives (maqasid) and rules (fiqh) of Mu‘amalah, (by which we mean the Islamic law of transactions). The term mu‘amalah refers to commercial and social transactions among people based on the ethics of the Golden Rule, namely, that we desire for others the good that we desire for ourselves.
Originating from a year-long conversation in 2019-20 on the deep connections between Regenerative Livelihoods and Islamic ethics of transactions (mu'amalah), the IGE-PEARL initiative was launched by Mr Rhamis Kent, Dr Adi Setia, and Mrs Atika Akram. This program was carefully designed to teach the Islamic Gift Economy (IGE) through creative and contextualized re-articulation of the works of classical Muslim scholars like Imam Muhammad al-Shaybani and Imam al-Ghazali on Right Livelihood (kasb tayyib) and relating them to Social Permaculture chapter of Bill Mollison's landmark book Permaculture: a Designers' Manual.
Over the past few years, the IGE-PEARL program, has been offered in various formats, online and in-person, in both its standard 60-hour version and as a shorter introductory 20-hour course. The program provides a vision of the socio-economic domain of life as deeply connected to finding personal meaning and purpose in service to the community's common good. A pathway to sustainable living & sustainable community development.
We now offer the multi-faceted IGE-PEARL program as PEARL Essentials and PEARL Advanced.
PEARL Essentials, is a self-paced, pre-recorded, video-based course to make the program more accessible for those unable to commit to the standard 60-hour long course. This course distills the essential aspects of the program in a manner that invites deep critical thinking and soul-searching reflection on redirecting the socio-economic aspects of our life in service of Community and the Common Good.
To complement the PEARL educational program, we have been offering the carefully curated Agroecological, Right Livelihood Educational & Cultural Travel (ARLECT) experiential, immersive annual retreats, which serve to guide participants to put into personal practice some of the key concepts discussed in the PEARL courses. The retreats showcase examples of community resilience.
As a result of the PEARL courses and the ARLECT retreats, we have gradually fostered a growing community of Right Livelihood enterprising adventurers who are ever ready to trail blaze into unchartered territories to take direct action into being their own personal proofs of concept, and in the process providing relevant solutions to the pressing problems they find in their communities.
Dive into PEARL Essentials

A self-paced foundational course on the Islamic Gift Economy & Regenerative Livelihoods

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Dr Adi Delivering Workshop - Institute for Regenerative Livelihoods


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Our team

Shaykh Al-Hajj Abu Ja'far Al-Hanbal
Mu'amalah Advisory Scholar
Al-Hajj Abu Ja'far Al-Hanbali began studying Islam intensively in the year 1409 (AD1990) and has taken knowledge from teachers such as Muhammad ibn 'Abdullah inb Muhammad ibn 'Uthman Al-'Abdullah An-Najdi (from Arabia), Mustafa Kamel Mustafa Al-Masri (from Egypt), Abul Waleed Muhammad Al-Ansari (from Palestine), Mustafa Kaamil (from Egypt), Jehangir 'Imran (Indian from Zanzibar), Qari Bashir Mahmoud (from Tunisia), Rida Muhammad (from Libya), Muhammad Hasan Ash-Shanqiti Ad-Didoo (from Mauritania) and currently 'Abdullah Badran (from Syria), Muhammad ibn Rashid (from Syria) and others.
His studies centered around memorising some texts of creed, the study of some books of Hanbali fiqh, and some texts of hadith and research into the field of tafsir of Quran.‍
Dr. Adi Setia
Co-Founder |  Academic Director
From 2014-2016 Dr. ʿAdī Setia taught Islamic Science, History & Philosophy of Science,and Islamic Economics at the postgraduate Center for Advanced Studies on Islam, Science & Civilization (CASIS), Malaysia. He worked as a Research Fellow at ISTAC, Malaysia, receiving his MA and PhD (Islamic Science) under Professor Syed Naquib al-Attas. His traditional studies were at various Islamic madaris in Kedah, Kelantan and Patani. He holds a Permaculture Design Certificate from the Permaculture Research Institute of Turkey), and is actively engaged in various community-rooted initiatives among Muslims and non-Muslims in Malaysia and elsewhere relating to Permaculture, Agro-Ecology, Human Rights, Right Livelihood and the Gift Economy. His current research interests are in History and Philosophy of Science, Islamic Science, Islamic Gift Economy (IGE), and Islamization of Knowledge.  His papers in these areas are mostly published in the Canadian Journal of Islamic Sciences.
Picture of Rhamis Kent
Mr. Rhamis Kent
Co-Founder | Strategic Networking | Permaculturalist
Rhamis Kent, founder and director of is a consultant with formal training in mechanical engineering (University of Delaware, B.S.M.E. '95) and permaculture-based regenerative whole systems design, serving as a registered certified PermacultureDesign instructor with the Permaculture Research Institute (PRI) of Australia, where he serves as a co-director. He is also on the Supervisory Board of the Netherlands-registered, non-profit

Mr. Rhamis has taught Permaculture Design (formal Certification and short Intensive courses) in Palestine/Occupied West Bank, Greece, Ethiopia, Yemen, Turkey, Thailand, Malaysia, Italy, Spain, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, Australia, and the United States. He has also performed additional consultancy work on projects in Spain, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Somaliland, and Western Sahara.
Shaykh Al-Hajj Abu Ja'far Al-Hanbal
Mu'amalah Advisory Scholar

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Dr. Adi Setia
Co-Founder |  Academic Director

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Picture of Rhamis Kent
Mr. Rhamis Kent
Co-Founder | Strategic Networking | Permaculturalist

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Ms Faiza Siddiqui
Director | Finance & Strategic Initiatives

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Mr. Ilman Haikal
Media Manager

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Ms. Fatima Awad
Anthropologist | Educator

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