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institute for regenerative livelihoods

Courses & Programs

We teach you to rediscover your moral agency to develop
sustainable, ethical businesses and resilient communities.
what we offer

Courses & Programs

We facilitate capacity-building for individuals and organisations through contextual education, vocational training and supportive teacher, alumni and practitioner networks.

These aspects empower our students intellectually and practically, whilst entering into a long-term nurturing community creates the space for further creative collaboration, brainstorming and experimentation long after the course or program officially ends.
We see this multi-dimensional nature of our programs as a key to fostering the development of resilient, self-sufficient, and community-oriented economic systems that promote Right Livelihoods for all.

Our Programs

Essentials Course
PEARL Essentials

PEARL Essentials

A self-paced course that explores the importance of ethics and moral purpose to cultivate a thriving ecosystem of individuals, communities and ecology.
Advanced Course

PEARL Advanced

Offers in-depth, comprehensive understanding of the Islamic Gift Economy (IGE), Social Permaculture and Invisible Structures. 

ARLECT Retreat

An immersive travel program on agroecology, regenerative farming and a showcase of ethical, purposeful entrepreneurship.

Reading Circle

An online reading circle covering timeless texts on the economy and Right Livelihoods.

Teacher's Profile


Dr. Adi Setia

Co-Founder | Academic Director
Dr Adi Setia - Institute for Regenerative Livelihoods
Institute for Regenerative Livelihoods - Olive Tree Logo
Dr. Adi Setia began his studies in the traditional Malay-Islamic madrasahs in Kedah, Kelantan, and Patani. He received his B.A. in Arabic Language & Literature (1996) from the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), his M.A. in Islamic Science (1999) from International Institute of Islamic Thought & Civilization (ISTAC) and Ph.D. in Islamic Science (2004) from  International Institute of Islamic Thought & Civilization (ISTAC) under Professor. Dr. Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas, after working as a Research Fellow at ISTAC, Malaysia.
From 2014-2016, Dr. Adi Setia taught History and Philosophy of Science, Islamic Science, and Islamic Economics at the postgraduate Centre for Advanced Studies on Islam, Science & Civilization (CASIS), Malaysia. His current research interests are in History and Philosophy of Science, Islamic Science, Islamic Gift Economy (IGE), and Islamization of Knowledge, systemically pursued according to the integrative framework of Professor Al-Attas. His papers in these areas are mostly published in the Canadian Journal of Islamic Sciences.
Dr. Adi Setia attained his Permaculture Design Certificate under Mustafa Bakir of the Permaculture Research Institute, Turkey, and is actively engaged in various community-rooted initiatives among Muslims and non-Muslims in Malaysia and elsewhere relating to Permaculture, Agro-Ecology, Human Rights, Right Livelihood and the Gift Economy.
He is a life member of the Malaysian Agroecological Society. He helped found the Natural Farming Association of Malaysia (NFAM) in 2019, where he is elected as the Vice Chairman. Most recently he founded and launched the Program for Ethical & Appropriate Regenerative Livelihoods (PEARL).

Mr. Rhamis Kent

Strategic Networking | Permaculturalist
Picture of Rhamis Kent
Mr. Rhamis Kent is a consultant with formal training in mechanical engineering (University of Delaware, B.S.M.E. '95) and permaculture-based regenerative whole systems design, serving as a registered certified Permaculture Design instructor with the Permaculture Research Institute of Australia.
Rhamis is the founder and director of ANTS Regenerate, and serves as a co-director of the Permaculture Research Institute, a member of Permaculture Sustainable Consulting Pty Ltd. He sits on the Supervisory Board of Ecosystem Restoration Camps, Netherlands.
Mr. Rhamis has taught Permaculture Design, both formal Certification and short Intensive courses, in Palestine / Occupied West Bank, Greece, Ethiopia, Yemen, Turkey, Thailand, Malaysia, Italy, Spain, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, Australia, and the United States. He has also performed additional consultancy work on projects in Spain, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Somaliland, and Western Sahara. Most recently, he co-founded and launched the Program for Ethical & Appropriate Regenerative Livelihoods (PEARL).