a vehicle for the islamic gift economy

PEARL Essentials

Program for Ethical, Appropriate & Regenerative Livelihoods (PEARL),
a self-paced foundational course on the Islamic Gift Economy & Regenerative Living.

PEARL Essentials

The PEARL Essentials Course explores the importance of ethics and moral purpose to cultivate a thriving ecosystem of individuals, communities and ecology. This course offers an approach to building communities that integrates material and spiritual wellbeing into everyday transactions. Traditional Islamic texts on mua’malah are applied contextually to re-envision an economy of right livelihoods. It is essential for those committed to working towards the Common Good.

Islamic Gift Economy
Islamic Gift Economy is an economic system based on the principles of mutual giving and receiving through fair social and commercial exchange, leading to the ethical sharing of natural and cultural abundance. It offers a holistic approach to earning a livelihood and community building that integrates material and spiritual wellbeing into everyday interactions and transactions.
course resources
Pre-Recorded Lecture
Reading Paper
Slide Notes
course structure
12.5 hours
10 modules
commitment level
Online Course
PEARL Essentials Course Poster - Institute for Regenerative Livelihoods - 600x750-01
PEARL Essentials
course OUTLINE
Module 1
The Meaning of Economics and the Purpose of Economy
Module 1 explains the concept of the economy within the cognitive frame of the worldview of Islam, by reference to the classical text on Kasb,  earning, as well as  text on muʿāmalah or transactions.
Module 2
The Virtues of Earning a Livelihood
Module 2 is about the virtues of earning a livelihood. The virtues relate to the encouragement in Islam for us to work or have a craft, trade, or a business, in order to earn a halal or tayyib living. From such earnings, we can provide for ourselves, our families, our communities, and help the poor. The virtues here are virtues of industry, the virtues of good work, and the virtues of justice and magnanimity or 'adl and ihsan, in the process of earning a livelihood.
Module 3
Justice & magnanimity in socio-economic transactions
In Module 3, we discuss how the Islamic economy, or more appropriately, mu'amalah revolves around fair exchange. This involves socio-economic transactions rooted in justice and good faith, guided by the principles of  goodwill and magnanimity. These pillars of justice and magnanimity form the foundation of all trade and work, embodying the essence of the Islamic economy.
Module 4
Good work, Community & the common good
Module 4, goes deeper into the meaning of work, the definition of  good work, and how good work is related to the concept of ʿAmal Ṣāliḥ, good deeds. It also investigates  how good work is a function of providing for personal, family and community needs, to ensure the overall common good.  Thus, good work is that which is beneficial for you, your family as well as your community.
Module 5
Sound money, fair trade & the circulation of wealth
In Module 5, we discuss the concept of money in Islam. Money is understood as a means of exchange, as a store of value and a unit of measurement. These functions are clearly conceptualised and applied to ensure fair exchange, which facilitate fair trade and efficient circulation of wealth in a community or society.
Module 6
Contracts & structures of socio-economic transactions
Module 6 focuses on contracts and structures of socio-economic transactions. It emphasises the significance of understanding Adab, Fiqh, and the Maqāṣid of Muʿāmalah, encompassing the ethics, rules, and objectives of transactions in Islam. Application of this knowledge ensures that business dealings and partnerships, and various work arrangements adhere to clear and just guidelines to promote Right Livelihood and ensure fair economic exchange in society.
Module 7
Socio-legal strategies for reviving community economies
Module 7 is about social legal strategies for reviving community economies. We discuss strategies of creating our own Islamic economy, that is on one hand legal in respect of modern commercial law, yet faithful to the traditional Islamic understanding of mua'malah (transaction). This is crucially important as mu'amalah is the most important dimension of the Shari'ah after 'ibadah (personal worship).
Module 8
Social permaculture & the design of beneficial relationships
Module 8 is focused on the relevance and relationship of Permaculture, in particular Social Permaculture, to mu‘amalah, as both areas focus on the design of beneficial relationships among people. For an economy to be sound, we need to know how to structure, design, plan, and organise our human and financial resources so that we can work together in a manner that is fair and honest in order to create the economy of right livelihood for the common good.
Module 9
Vocational differentiation for community self-sufficiency
Module 9 delves into the question of vocational diversity. We all have diversified needs. Some of our needs relate to primary production, some relate to secondary production like manufacturing, while other needs relate to services like commerce and trade. We need to have sufficient number of people engaged in the various specialised areas of work to ensure that together each area of work supports and reinforces the other so as to contribute to the overall prosperity well-being of the community.
Module 10
Case studies in taking back the economy for community flourishing
In module 10 we highlight some concrete case examples of community economy. We present proofs of concept by citing case examples of companies and cooperatives that, in their own respective ways, have succeeded in operationalising the principles, precepts and the practises of the Islamic Gift Economy.